green eyes (click on picture to magnify it and see her eyes better)

From László on 11th May 2022 green eyes (click on picture to magnify it and see her eyes better)

I told Thelma that my Granny warned me when I was a kid, green eyed girls/women will be dangerous to me (she also said they cannot be trusted). This was proven to me in my youth unfortunately, but green eyes with a reddish hair have been deadly later too - I met Thelma, but in her case my Granny turned out to be wrong in the negative aspect, but - yes - I was hooked on her green eyes and romantic, reddish, naturally curly hair (it surely must have been genes from something Celtic through her beloved Scottish Dad). She was deadly to me in the sweetest possible way. This even closer zoom-in of the Ennis tea-shop photo shows very clearly her beautiful green eyes. I have loved every atom in her with every atom in me, and even death cannot destroy that feeling.
