us at Glenfinnan

From László on 25th February 2022 us at Glenfinnan

Since my years at grammar school in Hungary I had been thrilled by the Jacobite risings, the Victorian romanticism around Bonnie Prince Charlie ("Chair-ly" as sung by The Corries), my Dad's stories about the Scottish clans and the Scottish songs "aboot" "Chair-ly". This always attracted me to Scotland, and then - magic! - I found the love of my life who became my wonderful wife, who was half Scottish (her Dad was "Mac" from Glasgow - not a Catholic). I had been to Scotland before with my children and also with my own Dad, but a wider trip came about with my sweet Thelma. We visited various historic sites, and it was with her that we first got to Glenfinnan, where in 1745 the second Jacobite rising began, when Prince Charles Edward Stuart ("Bonnie Prince Charlie") raised his standard on the shores of Loch Shiel. In this picture we are posing near the Glenfinnan Monument, at the head of the loch. The monument (not shown here) was erected to commemorate the historic event. But like all our other such experiences and adventures, this was also made truly special because of the presence of my dear Thelma.
